Get paid faster

Always know what’s working, which goals are being achieved, and how to improve with real-time reporting and complete transparency.

if you’re seeking a marketing partner that combines innovation, personalization, and a commitment to your success, I wholeheartedly recommend Innovative Marketing Services. They’ve not only transformed my marketing efforts but also the trajectory of my business, and I couldn’t be happier with the results.

John Doe

Founding Partner, XYZ Company


Taking payments is easier than ever ​

We’ve removed all the obstacles, with a simple and secure way of invoicing customers and accepting payments.

Getting paid

Getting paid doesn't have to be hard

Your time and expertise are precious. Don’t waste a minute working to get paid. Let Innovative Marketing handle the payment process once the work is done with text and email payments, invoicing, and tools that go where you do.

Put security

Put security in the hands of experts

Feel confident that we’re handling your payment and customer information security so you don’t have to worry about PCI compliance or encryption.

Put security